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Everything we thought we knew is wrong!

Okay, maybe not everything. But what if some of our core beliefs about how the world works turn out to be myths? This documentary flips our world upside down to see what makes it tick, as it explores the most critical question of our time: How do we become a sustainable civilization?



Premiere Screening in Malaysia

May 28th

8 till Late


“This is the great untold story about growth and your community — the one many developers and land speculators don’t want you to hear….Here’s your ticket to getting off the “endless growth” treadmill and onto the sustainable communities train.”

Eben Fodor, Community Planning Consultant
Author, Better, Not Bigger: How to Take Control of Urban Growth and Improve Your Community

"Smart and funny, right up the alley of today's students. I recommend it as an introduction to any discussion of the use of time and a balanced life."

Cathy O'Keefe, Professor, University of South Alabama

This film examines the cultural barriers that prevent us from reacting rationally to the evidence current levels of population and consumption are unsustainable.

It asks why the population conversations are so difficult to have. Why it’s more important to our society to have economic growth than clean air. Why communities seek and subsidize growth even when it destroys quality of life and increases taxes.

From Las Vegas to Atlanta, Mexico City to Mumbai, the White House to the Vatican, GrowthBusters takes us on a whirlwind tour of our obsession with urban and economic growth... and examines our survival skills.

This documentary holds up a mirror to the beliefs and behaviors we must leave behind – and the values we need to embrace – so our children can survive and thrive.

"This could be the most important film ever made. It tackles the three lethal taboos that threaten our civilization, those against discussing overpopulation, overconsumption, and the nonsensical idea that economic growth itself is a net benefit even in rich countries and can and must continue forever.”

Paul Ehrlich​, Biologist, Professor of Population Studies, Stanford University​

“It was so powerful it felt like a virtual punch in the stomach.”

Ed Hartman, Author, The Population Fix

"The cult of endless growth has kept us from seeing cleraly the choices in front of us. It is time we paid attenton to some alternatives."

Bill McKibben, Co-founder, Author: 'Earth: Making a Life on a Touch New Planet'

“We at the center are very excited about your documentary project…. There is an urgent need for popular media to explore society’s obsession with economic growth and its inability to comprehend or acknowledge the conflict between perpetual growth and environmental sustainability.”

Brian Czech, Ph.D. President, Center for Advancement of the Steady State Economy

for conversations fit for the 21st century

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